Rocky Mountain Towing and Recovery Service

Towing Company Assists in Aurora Dropped Trailer Recovery

Dropped Trailer Recovery After Front Leg Gives Way 

A truck driver carrying 48,000 pounds of water called for dropped trailer recovery after a routine delivery. Rocky Mountain Towing and Recovery recently received a call from this driver in Aurora, CO after he realized that he was going to need the help of professionals. 

The truck driver was doing his regular delivery and had backed his trailer up to the dock door. He disconnected the trailer like usual, however, when he pulled away, the right front leg of the trailer gave way. 

This front leg giving way caused the back rear of the trailer to lift in the air. The driver realized this was a situation that would require expert dropped trailer recovery services and quickly called the pros at Rocky Mountain Towing and Recovery. The dropped trailer recovery crew made their way to the lot off of Tyler Road along with their towing equipment. 

Once they arrived, they carefully assessed the situation before beginning the recovery. The team first worked to offload the 48,000 pounds of water before uprighting the trailer. Once the trailer was on solid ground again, the Rocky Mountain Towing and Recovery crew sent the trailer off for repairs. The entire job took the professionals only 1 hour to complete. 

Rocky Mountain Towing and Recovery was pleased to help another happy customer! Great job to the recovery team!

dropped trailer recovery services
dropped trailer recovery company

Details of Dropped Trailer Recovery After Front Leg Gives Way 

Rocky Mountain Towing and Recovery and Recovery Services recently assisted a customer with dropped trailer recovery. The towing company dispatcher received a call requesting dropped trailer recovery after he realized that he needed professional assistance. 

The dropped trailer recovery customer called in from Aurora, CO, and gave the towing company dispatcher all the details of the situation. Apparently, he had backed his trailer up to the dock door and disconnected the trailer just as he usually did for every job. 

However, when he pulled away, the right front leg of the trailer gave way, causing the back rear to lift in the air. Unfortunately, he could not get himself out of the situation and needed to call for dropped trailer recovery. 

The dropped trailer recovery crew of 2 from Rocky Mountain Towing and Recovery made their way to the scene which was a lot off Tyler Road in Aurora. They left their headquarters at 10371 E. 106th Ave. Brighton, CO 80601 along with a 50-ton wrecker and a 35-ton wrecker.

Upon arriving, the dropped trailer recovery crew assessed the situation. The trailer was carrying 48,000 pounds of water. To begin the dropped trailer recovery, they used the 50-ton wrecker to lift the right front side of the trailer. They used 35-ton wrecker to stabilize the back side of the trailer.

The dropped trailer recovery crew used a tractor and backed it up underneath the trailer.

The load of water was then offloaded. The entire dropped trailer recovery took the crew roughly 1 hour to complete. Unfortunately, there was significant damage to the trailer. The dropped trailer recovery team sent the trailer out for repairs. 

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